Cara install office 2010 di win xp under sp3 atau keluar pesan error windows 7 kita tidak suport

Posted on 04.38 | By si huma internet dan jaringan | In

Cara install office 2010 di win xp under sp3 atau keluar pesan error windows 7 kita tidak suport

The latest version of Office suite, Microsoft Office 2010, is undoubtedly the best productivity suite out there for Windows. Office 2010 is available in four editions and is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 operating systems.
Though it is compatible with the good old Windows XP, users must be running a 32-bit version XP with Service Pack 3 installed to be able to install and run Office 2010. In simple words, Office 2010 can’t be installed on Windows XP SP1 or SP2.
Install Office 2010 on Windows XP SP2
When you try to run the Office 2010 setup on Windows XP SP1 or SP2, you get “Setup is unable to proceed due to the following error: To install and use this product, you must be running one of the following operating systems: Windows 7, Vista SP1, XP SP3, Server 2003 SP2, Windows 7 (x64), Vista SP1 (x64), Server 2008 x(x64). Correct the issue(s) listed above and re-run the setup” message.
While downloading and installing Service Pack 3 is not a difficult task, many Windows XP users still running SP2 for various reasons. Windows XP users who can’t upgrade to SP3 and still want to install Office 2010 will be glad to know that Office 2010 can be installed on XP SP2 as well with a small workaround. The only condition is that you must be running x86 version of XP.
Follow the instructions given below to install your favorite Office 2010 on Windows XP SP2:
Step 1: Open Registry Editor. To do this, go to Start menu, click on Run, type regedit.exe in Run dialog box and then press enter key.
Install Office 2010 on Windows XP SP2 Step2
Step 2: In the Registry editor, navigate to the following registry key:
Step 3: On the right-side, double-click on CSDVersion and change its value from 200 to 300.
Install Office 2010 on Windows XP SP2 Step
Step 4: Close the Registry editor. Reboot the machine and then run Office setup to begin installing Office 2010. You should now be able to install without any issues. Once installed, navigate to the same registry key and then change the value back to 200.
Step 5: Enjoy Office 2010 and its features.
You might also like to know how to extend Office 2010 trial period with the help of Office 2010 Trial Extender tool. Don’t forget to check out our how to disable Office 2010 splash screen to speed the start.

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Cara Install Windows 7 di Laptop Lenovo G40-30

Posted on 05.08 | By si huma internet dan jaringan | In

Cara Install Windows 7 di Laptop Lenovo G40-30

Kali ini saya akan share tentang bagaimana cara setting bios laptop lenovo G40-30 supaya bisa di install windows 7. Laptop Lenovo G40-30 ini defaultnya menggunakan windows 8. Baik yang kosongan, dos atau yang sudah ada windows ori,nya. Untuk menginstal windows 7 di laptop ini perlu settingan bios tersendiri, karena kalau jika tidak diatur, maka saat instal windows 7 pasti akan terjadi bluescreen dan muncul kode seperti gambar di bawah ini

Untuk itu, saya akan share settingan bios supaya bisa instal laptop lenovo G40-30 bisa lancar jaya... ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini !

  1. Masuk ke bios dengan tombol f2
  2. Pilih menu exit di sebelah kanan
  3. Pada OS Optimized Defaults pilih "win7 OS", Jika tidak ada pilih "Other OS"
  4. Kemudian pilih "load Default Settings" dan tekan Enter lalu pilih "yes"
  5. Lalu Lihat ke sebelah kiri, Pilih menu "Configuration"
  6. Pada USB Mode pilih "USB 2.0"
  7. Lalu pilih menu "boot mode"
  8. Atur booting awal ke DVD-RW (Jika Anda instal mwnggunakan DVD)
  9. Simpan pengaturan bios dengan tekan f10
  10. Windows 7 sudah bisa di instal seperti biasa
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat
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